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We’re, well, very personal! We don’t view working out as a means to an end (ahem, um, weight loss), we look at it as a way to feel great and awesome. It’s a celebration of what our bodies can do and all the little victories we make along the way. Working out is not a punishment and food is not the enemy. We don’t weigh, measure, or pinch skin. We don’t care if you ate a whole pint  (or two) of ice cream last night. What we do care about is you and how you feel about yourself, and we want to help you feel awesome through workouts that engage you and make you feel powerful. You are not just another member to us, you are one of us, and we really want to hear your story and help you uncover your amazingness within.

All content Copyright 2016, Very Personal Training, LLC.
Branding, Marketing and Site-Design by Roman Tsukerman